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1964 Robert Jungk 'Brighter than a Thousand Suns'

1964 Pelican edition of Austrian writer/journalist Robert Jungk's personal account of the development of the atomic bomb

Jungk conducted numerous interviews with those involved in the project and presents them in a lively, vivid fashion. The result is the fascinatingstory of how the scientific community initially lobbied the American government to build the bomb and then struggled to prevent them from using it. As relevant as ever...

Publisher: Pelican

Publication Date: 1964

Binding: Softback

Book Condition: VG

10% of the profits of this sale will go towards G.L.I.T.S. (Gays and Lesbians Living In a Transgender Society) - a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community on a global scale - https://www.glitsinc.org / @glits_inc