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2009 'Daniel Johnston' Rizzoli Book

In 2009 Rizzoli released the most comprehensive and in-depth account of Daniel Johnston and his beautifully vibrant pieces of art, over 300 plus pages in this beautiful, large format hardcover bound book. Having not been re-published, the book has become increasingly harder to come by and super rare.

The book is compiled by Jad Fair, Philippe Vergne, and Harvey Pekar and Include's an interview with the late musician spread out throughout the book, as well as long essays from friends and collaborators. All the heavy hitters feature within the drawings from Johnston's various sketch books, archives and paintings; superheroes, 3 & 4 eyed monsters, devils and limbless torsos, you name it, they're here.

The book is still in beautifully excellent condition with no creases on the dust jacket or book itself.

Publisher: Rizzoli

Publication Date:2009

Binding: Hardcover

Book Condition:EX

10% of the profits of this sale will go towards G.L.I.T.S. (Gays and Lesbians Living In a Transgender Society) - a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community on a global scale - https://www.glitsinc.org / @glits_inc